June Thoughts
Reinout Visiting The USA from Belgium, Pictured at the George Washington Bridge
So as June comes to a close its a good time to reflect a little. As far as life I am relatively at this point. Think back at last super and other prior summers this one is kinda dull. Im not hiking the Appalachian trail with my best friend, or exploring Australia, or Biking the USA, or even working for the NJ fish and wildlife as an endanger beach birder. No this year I am focused on training and working. Trying my best not to spend money and stay focused has been tough. Everyone always seems to want to be going out and doing things. Truth be told I don't mind going out that much. However, I do miss being social with friends, I feel like I have not seen that many people. Thankfully I have had some nice visits here and there the highlight being seeing my Belgium friend Reinout stay at my house for a week. We had some adventures like his first visit to NYC, first Baseball game (even though it was the Mets), Biking adventures, and a Hoboken crazy night. Even harder than not seeing my friends is having a long distance relationship. I take this to a whole new level by finding the perfect girl who is not even a citizen of the same country. At least Canada isn't that far away, but still I miss her. It nice to at least find inspiration in each other as we are both focusing on very different tasks in life. I just can't wait till time brings us together again. It will be interesting to see where life takes us, and as both of us go with the wind on many things it should be an interesting adventure to say the least. I could possibly see a sail boat in our future. Ive been reading up on a blog from the PCT because hopefully this time next summer we will be hiking the PCT together. Check out the blog; http://naturallydriven.ca/

Speaking of the future, a friend of mine posted an article entitled "25 Things to Do Before You Turn 25"; I found the article to be incredibly true and simple. I have some on my list to do still an others that I will skip but nevertheless its an awesome list and something everyone my age should think about. Enjoy Youth while its hear! http://thoughtcatalog.com/2012/25-things-to-do-before-you-turn-25/
View from the Bottom of the George Washington Bridge with Reinout and the Little Red Lighthouse
At Citifield to see the Mets Game with Sam and reinout plus my mom and her Friends
Getting to the topic of training which is constantly on my mind these days. I am still uncertain on how I will fair in my Ironman. My head cannot comprehend 2.6 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking, and 26.2 miles of running straight in less than 17 hours still. I am headstrong in my decision to compete and give it my best, I am confident in myself but am still at the same time still doubtful of my ability. I guess time will tell. I am excited to say I bought a bike....may not have been the best decision for the Ironman as it is a cyclocross bike. It has the droped handle bars like a road bike, but has y brakes, thinker tires, and a less aggressively geared double front cog. I won't be setting any speed record on it as other people will have crazy expensive carbon Tri bikes but I am planning ahead for future trips. I am more of a distance multiday touring fan. I put 100 miles on the bike in 2 days. One day I spent riding thought NYC with Reinout and then the second I took my usual commute to work. You could say I am getting more confident in my riding. over the month of may I rode a lot as it was bike to work month at work. I tallied up almost 600 miles on my commute, another 400+ training on off days, and on a 4 and a half day tour I did 500 miles to round out my month plus a day or two with 1500 miles. After that I figured it would be a good idea to focus on one event less and balance out the last two months of training. I have started to swim more and am slowly gaining confidence in the pool and my swimming abilities but I will say that trying to swim/train at the bally's pool is pretty miserable. Maybe some of you will disagree with me because you have seen me running recently but in my opinion I fell off on my running. March and April I felt super strong on my runs and I was headed in the right direction for building up to a marathon but somewhere along the way I lost focus ans my runs have become shorter and more dispersed, I honestly have not been able to get a longer run in a while let a lone a long run. I think I can pick it up though. This week I am trying to get some triple session in, biking to work, running to the gym, swimming, and then running home. I guess they are little mock Tri's just spread out throughout the day and mixed in with my work schedule.
I guess for a month June was pretty good if I think about it, just different. Training is less satisfying then my past adventures but hopefully will pay off in another 6 weeks!
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